Actions for July

Email Senator Cantwell: Phone: (202) 224-3441 Fax: (202) 228-0514 Press releases
Email Senator Murray: Phone: (202) 224-2621 Fax: (202) 224-0238 Press releases
Email Rep. Kilmer: Phone: (202) 225-5916 News

    1. Contact our senators and tell them to demand that the Senate Judiciary Committee hold hearings on the corruption of the Supreme Court. Neither of our senators is on the Judiciary Committee so they need to impress upon that committee’s chair, Dick Durbin (D-IL) that U.S. citizens are demanding hearings and action now. For example, More than 400,000 U.S. citizens signed Common Dreams’ petition to top Democrats urging them to “Fix Supreme Court Corruption.”
    2. Contact our members of Congress and urge them to co-sponsor and pass H.R.3422/S.1616, the Judiciary Act of 2023 re-introduced by Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA). This bill would increases from 9 to 13 the number of Justices on the Supreme Court and is long overdue. Our country now has 13 appellate courts and should have 13 Supreme Court justices. From Markey’s press release: Congress can determine the size of the Supreme Court; it has already added and removed seats on the Court seven times throughout its history. At a time when the American people’s confidence in the nation’s highest court has fallen to a record low and Congressional Republicans have already employed their far-right judicial playbook by disregarding norms and precedent in the confirmations process, Congress must take action by once again expanding the Court.” MAGAs will howl, but they have a track record of expanding state supreme courts in Arizona and Georgia.
    3. Contact our senators and urge them to cosponsor and pass S.3096, the Supreme Court Biennial Appointments and Term Limits Act, introduced by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and co-sponsored by the Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Under the legislation, the President would appoint a new justice every two years and each justice would spend 18 years participating in all Supreme Court cases, after which they would be limited to hearing the small number of constitutionally required cases. Learn more here and here.
    4. Contact our members of Congress and tell them to write and pass legislation requiring that the IRS audit Supreme Court justices annually, just like the president is supposed to be audited, and provide the results of the audit to the Senate Judiciary Committee within one year.
    5. Contact our members of Congress and thank them for co-sponsoring H.R.926 and S.359, the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act f 2023, introduced by Rep. Hank Johnson and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, respectively. Now more than ever, it’s time to pass this bill. It would require the Supreme Court to
      • adopt a code of conduct for Justices and establish procedures to receive and investigate complaints of judicial misconduct;
      • adopt rules governing the disclosure of gifts, travel, and income received by the Justices and law clerks that are at least as rigorous as the House and Senate disclosure rules; and
      • establish procedural rules requiring each party or amicus to disclose any gift, income, or reimbursement provided to Justices.
      • honor an expanded set of circumstances under which a Justice or judge must be disqualified; and
      • establish procedural rules for prohibiting the filing of or striking an amicus brief that would result in the disqualification of a Justice, judge, or magistrate judge.

    If you have a question or an action, email it here.