
EHCC Hosts Peace Cafe

A time and place for coming together to share experiences and ideas that can help build stronger and more resilient community for all of us. Talk cafes are open gatherings where participants can choose between a number of labeled “topic tables”.

Goodlatte Initiative

The Indivisible group in Roanoke, VA in Goodlatte’s district planned an event with the help of Indivisible National. They asked citizens to write Rep. Goodlatte a birthday card to compel him to move impeachment forward. He heads up the House Judiciary Committee.

Voices of the Majority

Calls, postcards, faxes and letters-to-the-editor are effective. And they’re more fun to do together than alone!
Join us each Friday. We are an informal, open-to-all, drop-in group that gets together in the conference room at OfficeXpats (in the Pavilion on Madison), from 4:30 to 6:30 each Friday afternoon.
Come for a while or come for a bit. We provide a comfortable setting full of encouragement among friends to write and call. We provide postcards, stamps, info and snacks to share. We learn something each week from each other as we continue in our long game of activism in favor of true American values.

Voting Rights in WA

This campaign works alongside ACLU to maintain and strengthen Washington State’s voting rights.

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